Riassumiamo in un breve articolo la
Guida ai termini “bio-based”, “biodegradabile”,
“compostabile”, e altri titoli
ambientali applicati ai prodotti di plastica, pubblicata dalla British Plastics Federation. Con un linguaggio semplice ed esterno da
ideologie di fondo vengono definiti specificatamente alcuni termini
entrati a far parte del linguaggio comune senza però conoscerne a
fondo il significato. Vi esponiamo un breve stralcio del documento di seguito.
Bio- based
Claims that a product or package is
“bio-based” shall be qualified if the product or package is not
made entirely from biomass.
Biodegadrable - Biodegradabile
Claims that a product or package is
“biodegradable” shall be verifiable and substantiated by
competent and reliable scientific evidence as required by the ISO14021.
Compostable - Compostabile
A claim that a product or package is
“compostable” shall be substantiated by reliable scientific
evidence that all the materials in the product or package will break
down into usable compost in a safe and timely manner in an
appropriate composting facility. Such evidence shall be technically
independent of the influence of any company or associated
Recyclable – Riciclabile
A product or package shall only be
marketed as recyclable where there is evidence that appropriate
recycling infrastructure exists.
Renewable – Rinnovabile
Claims that a product or package is
“renawable” should be used with great care as there is currently
no internationally agreed definition for the term.
For more information "Guidance
on the use of the terms ‘bio-based’, ‘biodegradable’,
‘compostable’, ‘oxo-biodegradation’ and other environmental
claims on plastic products
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